Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Emerging Impact of Handheld Ultrasound Across Obstetrics

Across the field of obstetrics, diagnostic imaging plays a crucial role in ensuring maternal and fetal health. Traditional ultrasound machines have long been utilised for prenatal screening and monitoring, but recent technological advancements have introduced handheld ultrasound devices, profoundly revolutionising obstetric care. Handheld ultrasound devices such as the Vscan AirTM empower more efficient and flexible patient journeys and experiences and streamline the diagnostic processes for medical professionals.

We heard from Professor Asma Khalil, Consultant Obstetrician and Fetal Medicine specialist at St George's Hospital, London and Director of Fetal Medicine at Liverpool Women’s Hospital, as she gave a presentation exploring the role of handheld ultrasound.

Offering Enhanced Patient Care and Better Health Journeys

Patient care and positive outcomes are priorities across medicine, and handheld ultrasound devices can potentially transform the patient experience in obstetrics by offering convenience, accessibility, and peace of mind. Unlike traditional ultrasound machines that require patients to schedule appointments at specialised imaging centres, handheld devices like the Vscan AirTM enable healthcare providers to perform ultrasound examinations directly at the point of care, whether it's in a clinic, a rural health centre, or even in remote areas with limited infrastructure. 

"There are many uses for handheld ultrasound, starting from viability and pregnancy dating to identifying placenta location or fetal presentation (among others)," says Prof. Khalil. Essentially, handheld ultrasound offers a broad range of capabilities that enable clinicians to offer the same or near level of ultrasound support in remote settings, as they would in a standard ultrasound environment. While not entirely comparable, a significant increase in image quality has been seen in recent years, as Prof. Khalil states.

The portable nature of handheld ultrasound removes barriers associated with cost, widening the number of applications, especially in low-income environments or remote communities. In combination with the portable nature of handheld ultrasound, this can be a game-changer in bringing better obstetric care to underserved communities worldwide.

How Does Handheld Ultrasound Compare?

Despite their smaller size, portable nature and more recent introduction, handheld ultrasound systems have been found to be comparable to high-end ultrasound systems. They are a valuable supplement to clinicians' examination processes and toolsets and offer a simple, accessible, and effective means for physical examinations to be performed. These sentiments were reinforced by the findings of a report published on MDPI, "Handheld Ultrasound Devices Compared with High-End Ultrasound Systems: A Systematic Review", which explored various questions within the topic. "The conclusion of these studies, and the entire systematic review, was that these devices tend to be comparable, and are a valuable supplement," says Prof. Khalil.

Clearly, handheld ultrasound has a role to play in obstetric care. Whether as a supplement to more mainstream ultrasound devices, or as a specialised option for specific patient needs and requirements, handheld ultrasound offers flexibility, portability, and simplicity without any loss of quality or accuracy.

Changing how Medical Professionals Have to Work - For the Better

Patients don't just feel the benefits of handheld ultrasound devices. Medical professionals can access real-time imaging capabilities that enhance diagnostic accuracy and clinical decision-making at a faster rate than when using traditional ultrasound machines.

This can be especially useful for identifying and managing breech presentation and ensuring babies present safely and in manageable ways before birth. Assessing the fetal presentation at term is critical, as Prof. Khalil states. "3.4% of babies present in breech. The problem with this is that it is associated with excess perinatal mortality and morbidity and is also associated with medicolegal implications."

30-50% of breech-presenting babies are only detected when the mother presents in labour. This late identification can lead to emergency caesarean procedures, and higher maternal and infant risks as a result of unexpected or unavoidable vaginal breech delivery. "Universal late pregnancy ultrasound eliminates undiagnosed breech presentation in labour," says Prof Khalil. "It's estimated that this saves the lives of at least seven babies a year across the UK."

The compact size of devices like the Vscan AirTM enables healthcare providers to conduct ultrasound examinations, both routine or late-stage, in a broader range of clinical settings, including labour and delivery rooms, clinics, and even home visits. This widens their treatment approach and empowers them to personalise treatment and lead better patient experiences. Throughout pregnancy, ultrasounds offered in the first and second trimesters can be performed using handheld ultrasounds, achieving the same results as high-end machines.

By offering universal access to prenatal ultrasound, healthcare providers can engage expectant mothers in informed discussions about birthing options, ultimately improving maternal and neonatal outcomes. It's essential to recognise that each patient is an individual, even if symptoms and pregnancy progress can be the same from person to person.

Expanding Access to Ultrasound

In a world where cost is a significant barrier against access, handheld ultrasound devices can potentially transform how underserved and undertrained regions access and utilise ultrasound technology for the betterment of women globally. As Prof. Khalil states, "The easy access of handheld ultrasound, their cheaper cost, and the fact that they are easy to use means that they are attractive for use in lower-income countries and community settings."

By bringing ultrasound technology closer to where patients are, early detection of pregnancy complications, monitoring of fetal development, and timely interventions can be performed with greater accuracy. The reduced training required to use handheld ultrasound devices is also manageable for underserved communities, removing the need for specialists and increasing the field of access.

Handheld ultrasound devices such as Vscan AirTM have the potential to be a powerful tool to enhance diagnostic accuracy, accessibility, and efficiency, and improve outcomes. As the industry continues to further develop handheld ultrasound technology, we move closer to realising a future where every expectant mother receives the highest standard of care, regardless of geographical location or socioeconomic status.

Ready to unlock the full potential of obstetric care?



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