Data & cyber security

Advanced protection

Cybersecurity is more than anti-virus software! You and your patients’ safety and data privacy are our top priority, and we work diligently to ensure Voluson ultrasound systems rely on the latest and most advanced security levels.
Voluson e10 data cyber security

Designing the most secure ultrasound

Designed to protect you out of the box with
  • Windows® 10 operating system
  • Whitelisting – limiting software that can run on a system
  • Dedicated portal to download urgent software fixes
  • Risks of thread identified and disabled
  • Software services not required to run on an ultrasound system
  • Network ports not required for a data communication
  • Any auto-run functionality on USB
  • Avoid import/export of data on ultrasound system by deactivating storage devices on USB ports

Designing the Most Secure Ultrasound

Voluson e10 data cyber security

Designed to protect you out of the box with

  • Windows® 10 operating system
  • Whitelisting – limiting software that can run on a system
  • Dedicated portal to download urgent software fixes
  • Risks of thread identified and disabled
  • Software services not required to run on an ultrasound system
  • Network ports not required for a data communication
  • Any auto-run functionality on USB
  • Avoid import/export of data on ultrasound system by deactivating storage devices on USB ports

Maintaining patient privacy and security

Protect locally stored information against theft or corruption
Secure sharing
  • Hard Drive (HD) encryption
  • Encrypted DICOM® Communication Capability (TLS)
  • Securely sharing and retrieval via the cloud with Tricefy™
User icon
User management
  • Manage multiple users with individual log-on credentials
  • Remote management of user credentials with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) interface
  • Monitor and record any security-related activities like user login, data handling, and network connections

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